It's like the school days where you reached into a mystery bag and pulled out 5 random prizes.. except they're all hella awesome, without having to gamble for a broken slinky or a wierd eraser top that doesn't erase.
Our mystery pack comes with 5 random peekers, which can be any of the peekers we offer on the website! These peekers are still waterproof and uv resistant, and come at our usual 4.5 inch size!
Keep the ones you want and gift the ones you don't want. Who knows, maybe that dalaga will finally go on a date with you when you finally bring her some Hella Kulit peekers. Smooth, anak, smooth.
... Or you know, just cop them because it's a hella good deal and we're only offering the packs while supplies last! :P
<(^_^<) (>^_^)> <(^_^<) (>^_^)> *You after copping a mystery pack*